How many kids get to come home from school and help their neighbor build a real plane? I was one of the lucky ones… I may exaggerate a little because I had no idea how this pile of sheet metal would become a plane. However, I was sure happy when my neighbor J.B. Armstrong would ask me to hold something as he riveted and bent piles of metal into an amazing Mustang-II aircraft. (That first picture is me, next to the finished aircraft, minus the wings for transport, of course…)
Sadly, I never got my private pilots license or bought a plane of my own… But that doesn’t mean I haven’t had some amazing adventures that I want to share with you, in case you would want to do something you’ll remember for the rest of your life… Here are some of my adventures, that proudly, I got to share with my kids… After the pictures, I’ll share how you can do it too! Yes, YOU can pilot an aircraft for as little as it costs to take your family to the movies!
(Warning turn down the sound, the engine noise is loud!)
This is my daughter’s first flight as the pilot, thanks to X-Cell Aviation in Boonville, IN. Take-off, flying around Reitz HS and landing, all done by her! Of course, the flight instructor is right there all the time, to make slight adjustments if needed. It’s an unforgettable present that only costs $70!
X-Cell Aviation in Boonville, IN
This is one of the best adventures I have ever done in my life. Flew a WW2 T-6 Texan Aircraft and was taught how to do aerobatics. Yes, that is actually me with my hand on the stick and not only flying, but doing aerobatics! It’s an amazing time, again, no pilots license necessary. The price has went up quite a bit since the time I did it, but it can be as cheap as $250. Remember this is a historical aircraft that is worth more than $200,000 that YOU are controlling!
Warbird Adventures in Kissimmee, FL
This was another family adventure… I piloted a Robinson R44 Helicopter… And to make it even cooler for us, I flew over Busch Stadium on game day, while the Cardinals were taking batting practice. Would you love to do that? It’s called an Introductory Flight, it requires no previous training. It includes about an hour of ground training on the helicopter, then jump in! The instructor gets the helicopter out of the airport airspace and then the stick is yours! This is a half million dollar aircraft at your command, for $199 for an hours flight!
Midwest Helicopter in St. Louis, MO
Like I said, life just hasn’t allowed for me to spend $5000-$6000 on getting my Private Pilots license, but if you are interested, contact X-Cell Aviation. Jason is a really great guy, who offers great prices and even a payment plan! I’m still holding onto the hope I’ll be using Jason’s training SOON!
Isn’t it time you did something you’ll remember forever?
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